Rehabilitation and Skilled Services
Skilled Nursing Facility
There is a licensed nursing staff available in the community 24 hours a day to provide direct care or make decisions if elevated care is needed.
A skilled level is indicated if the resident demonstrates improvement from rehabilitation service (physical, occupational, or speech therapy). Supportive Care at The Neighborhood has these therapy services available on site. Usually, skilled care is needed only on a short-term basis because the resident’s condition stabilizes or improves.
Skilled Care Services
Skilled Care includes:
- Physical, speech and/or occupational therapy with a goal of improved functioning, towards which progress is being made
- Regular intravenous injections
- Regular care and treatment of a wound or bedsore
We are Medicare Approved.
Skilled level of care is reviewed on a weekly basis by the Utilization Review Committee for Medicare classification.
Medicare benefits are paid in their entirety for the first 20 days of Skilled Care if the patient meets the criteria. Beginning on day 21 through 100 (if needed), Medicare pays for all bills except a designated co-payment per day, which is the responsibility of the resident. Reimbursement for this co-payment amount can be obtained through a supplemental insurance. Please check that Supportive Care at The Neighborhood is recognized by your supplemental insurance carrier.
The business office of Supportive Care at The Neighborhood will file these insurance claims for you, but it is ultimately the responsibility of the resident for reimbursement of the co-payment amount.